Tips From a Seasoned Pastor’s Wife

My tip for today is to keep a sense of humor. Try not to take yourself too seriously and, instead, learn to laugh in difficult situations. I remember years ago when my youngest son was about 2 years old. I was watching him in our little church basement along with several other older children while my husband was speaking to the congregation upstairs. All at once I noticed that he was gone. I frantically searched high and low for him. I ran up stairs and there he was walking slowly and very proudly down the center aisle of the church as my husband was preaching. I could have taken this into one of two directions — humor or humiliation. I chose the first, grabbed him, smiled and brought him back downstairs. Trust me, there were many chuckles from the congregation and I’m sure a few scowls, which I chose to overlook.

Things happen…to us all. Learn to see through humor glasses and those tough times won’t seem so tough.

How about you pastors’ wives out there? Was there a time when you chose to laugh instead of cry, giggle instead of groan?