Tips From a Seasoned Pastor’s Wife

My tip for today is to keep a sense of humor. Try not to take yourself too seriously and, instead, learn to laugh in difficult situations. I remember years ago when my youngest son was about 2 years old. I was watching him in our little church basement along with several other older children while my husband was speaking to the congregation upstairs. All at once I noticed that he was gone. I frantically searched high and low for him. I ran up stairs and there he was walking slowly and very proudly down the center aisle of the church as my husband was preaching. I could have taken this into one of two directions — humor or humiliation. I chose the first, grabbed him, smiled and brought him back downstairs. Trust me, there were many chuckles from the congregation and I’m sure a few scowls, which I chose to overlook.

Things happen…to us all. Learn to see through humor glasses and those tough times won’t seem so tough.

How about you pastors’ wives out there? Was there a time when you chose to laugh instead of cry, giggle instead of groan?


“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”
– Oswald Chambers

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Eph. 6:13

Do you scramble to take on the armor of God when you’re experiencing spiritual attack? During difficult times, are you frantically reaching for your Bible trying desperately to find a passage that will give you some comfort and strength? Ephesians 6 tells us to take the  armor of God on now; we’re to be spiritually prepared ahead of time for times of trial.

How do we take on the armor and prepare for the day of evil? By studying God’s word and praying daily; by continually taking steps in faith, making right choices, sharing the gospel with others and living out our eternal lives with Christ in confidence and assurance of faith.

And what are we to do during the battle? We’re to stand! That’s what Ephesians says. We can’t possibly stand if we’re reaching for whatever we need to get us through the hard times. Let’s not be caught off guard. Let’s be prepared daily!


It’s comforting to know that often the very situations Satan uses to try hurt us, are the very same ones God uses to bring us the most blessing!

Romans 8:28
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

The Fatherless

“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:17 (ESV)

The fact of the matter is that caring for orphans is the heart of God. James 1:27 tells us  “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
It’s not just that God loves the fatherless, but he IS love to the fatherless! Caring for the orphans, the widows, the hurting is the very soul of God.
Do you want to be more “God-like”? Begin pouring out to those in need, especially to orphans. Trust me, you won’t be sorry.

Great for Small Groups!

We all long for a vibrant experiential relationship with God. Author Barb Ho offers 8 prayer principles that can transform any prayer life to experience the blessing and presence of God.

Ultimate Connection, Barbara J. Ho“Ultimate Connection deals with real life issues and stumbling blocks in our desire to have a fulfilling prayer life. It is a practical tool for anyone struggling with the repeated condemning thoughts, I can’t pray, or God doesn’t hear my prayers. In 8 simple principles, Barb Ho clearly lays out the path for our ultimate connection with our Creator, God. This is an invaluable resource for laymen as well as clergy.”
– Susan Lana Hafner, One Touch Awakening, Inc.


Read Barb’s featured article from the book at

Many believers struggle in prayer today, even after years of walking with God, because they were never discipled effectively into a prayer relationship with Jesus Christ. New believers need a firm foundation to build an effective experiential relationship with Jesus. The 8 principles in this book will encourage and equip both the novice and struggling prayer into a dynamic relationship with God. Its discussion questions and prayer action steps make it a great resource for small groups.

Barbara Ho is an author, marriage and pre-marital counselor, and a very active pastors wife. After ministering in a vibrant, multi-ethnic church in Queens, New York, for 25 years, her husband, Daniel, and Barb became church-planters in Houston, Texas. The Hos are also very active in ministering in orphanages in Ukraine.


PrayerShop Publishing
