I’m a stuff person

I tend to gather stuff, especially good “deals.” If I find something on sale, I’ll often buy several.  I’m not a “clutterer”, mind you. As a matter of fact, I hate clutter. So most of the stuff I buy, I give away, but I do gather on occasion.

Lately, I’m finding this to be true with my time with God. As I come before him in prayer, there are tons of thoughts that begin swirling through my mind. These are not evil or even bad thoughts: They may be things I need to take care of, or something I’d like to do or buy for someone. It may be an email I’d like to write, or a note of encouragement I’d like to send via Facebook. Maybe it’s a lesson I need to plan for. They’re good things, but they distract and clutter my mind; and most importantly they keep me from prayer.

When these things come to my mind, I always have an immediate choice. I can continue in the direction of the distraction, or I can take the thought captive and bring my focus back on God. I may need to close my iPad or put my phone down. That initial decision seems to make all the difference.

The crazy thing is, what good can I really do without the Lord’s enabling? What do I have to offer in my own strength and understanding? It’s all rubble without the power of the Holy Spirit. But through him, mountains can be moved, lives changed and my life can make a difference.
Lord, help me to keep you in control; to walk in the power of your spirit. Teach me today to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

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